Well Home Loans have identified the top 20 suburbs in Australia showing telltale signs that strong price growth is just around the corner in the lender’s quarterly Green Shoots Report (see image).
The report identified the suburbs based on the strongest combination of three key factors over the last three months:
- Inventory levels decreasing
- Days on the market decreasing
- Asking prices increasing
The list included 14 metro locations and six regional locations – with all eight states and territories represented. Of the 20 locations, 12 are unit markets and eight are house markets.
Scott Spencer, Well Home Loans chief executive
“That shows, no matter where you live, there might be a nearby housing market where prices look set to accelerate in the not-too-distant future. That provides you with a potential opportunity if you’re thinking about buying,”
Mr Spencer also said buyers shouldn’t look solely at the Well Home Loans Green Shoots Report when deciding where to buy or the timing of their purchase. Rather, you should consider a range of other factors as well and seek professional advice.
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* This blog is intended for general informational purposes only. For personalised advice tailored to your unique financial situation, please contact NMC Finance.